Magic in the kitchen

Today my mom and I attended an event with Barbara Fairchild, the former editor in chief at Bon Appetit and the editor of the huge compendium titled Bon Appetit Desserts. The event featured a few desserts of varying levels of difficulty from the book and were mighty tasty. The event also introduced my mom to some of the fabulous people I've had the opportunity to meet recently. She loved you guys.
It also gave my mom pause for thought - all the desserts she has made in her lifetime - from complicated tortes to simple macarons - she first followed the recipe, and then as she said - a mistake sometimes creates something better than the original recipe.
Isn't that usually the case?
Her biscotti recipes, found earlier in the blog evolved into a tea cake recipe that gets rave reviews. One extra egg and some more flour and magic is made. Don't worry the recipe will be posted tomorrow.
Some of my best recipes also come from this type of error - omission or enhancement. Yes, there are things you chuck in the compost as soon as they come out of the oven, but sometimes, adding that extra egg or a little less sugar transforms a recipe into something new.Save & Close
While we're not discovering penicillin in the kitchen, the act of cooking, tasting, experimenting and taking chances can lead to beautiful things, you just have to take a chance.
I'm excited to see what my mom makes and changes from the spiffy new cookbook she got today. I can't wait.

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